Risk and Opportuity

Coursera Project (Click to view the project file)

Every Risk is also an opportunity. An opportunity to make life better by doing risk management.

Drought: which used to be a regular feature in the rural parts of India, was the outcome of non harvesting of rain water, and water wastage. Every year, monsoon bring rains, a majority of the rain water flows away or get store in puddle which gets evaporated.

By harvesting water, storing it in deep wells, the water table can be strengthened, which makes land fertile and allow farmers to cultivate different types of crops without worrying about the water.

Government of India has initiated a scheme for guaranteeing rural employment for a minimum number of days. This acts as an insurance when rain fails.

Organisations are providing employment in areas where labour is required but skillset required is limited in nature, allowing rural populations to earn those skills quickly and able to work.

Similarly corporate world is moving towards sustainable business model. They are promoting schemes which enable farmers to take a larger portion of profits from cultivation activities by bringing transparency in prices, sharing high quality seeds, providing weather information and other market input. They have also removing middleman who were getting rich at the expense of farmers.

ITC is one such example who with the help of e-Choupal is transforming lives of farmers.

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